How to Treat Dark Under-Eye Circles Naturally

Dark circles is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive on my blog. Many women have dark circles under their eyes. I did some research, because I didn’t know the answer. It’s not new to tell people they should get more rest and drink more water. But I found that there are other factors which could contribute. As I don’t have any experience with under eye darkness, I can’t offer advice based on my own experiences. This post is based upon research. This was a difficult problem to solve, but after much digging I think I have found some answers and solutions! This does not include a concealer!

Dark under-eye circles: Common causes

  • Allergies
  • Vitamin Deficiency B-12, D E K
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Heredity
  • Liver Problems
  • Skin that is thinner and has less collagen.

It was fascinating to learn that dark circles under the eyes are often caused by a lack of vitamins or a weakened liver. Skin problems are always rooted in the body. These 2 problems could help reduce the darkness under your eyes. It is important to pay attention to what you eat. Skin problems are always a reflection of underlying issues.

Vitamin K to Darken Under Eye Circles

I have read that Vitamin k can be used to reduce dark circles under the eyes and broken capillaries.

Research has shown to be highly effective. Vitamin K is necessary for blood coagulation and clotting. It is also good for digestion (two birds with one stone?

Vitamin K, whether it is taken as a supplement or in the form of foods rich in vitamin K, can help cleanse the liver. Kale, spinach and chili powder are all foods rich in vitamin K. I found THE

Arnica Oil for Dark Under Eye Circles:

After further research, I discovered that Arnica Oil was another topical remedy.

Arnica oil is used to treat bruising, joint pain and other conditions. Arnica oil could be effective because under-eye circles look similar to bruises.

If you purchase “arnica flower oil”, this is usually an oil that’s been infused with the flowers. There is also an arnica essential oils. Arnica oil

I also found dried Arnica, which could be used as a

How to reduce the appearance of under-eye circles:

  • Under Eye Circle Serum
  • Anti Wrinkle Eye Stick
  • DIY Puffy Eye Roll On
  • Easy Caffeine Eye Serum

Here are a few more natural remedies to reduce dark circles under the eyes.

  • Use my Cucumber mask recipe or cucumber slices on the eyes.
  • Potato slices over eyes.
  • Tea bags over eyes (caffeine helps! ).
  • Apply Vitamin E to the eyes.
  • Sleep well.
  • Drink more water.
  • Apply ice to the skin in the morning. Find out more about Ice Therapy HERE.
  • While sleeping, elevate your head by using 2 pillows.
  • Gua Sha

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