Behind the Gloss

Into The Gloss is built on the idea of conversation and connection. A prolonged period of silence was therefore unsettling and raised eyebrows.ITG has been relatively quiet in the past few months, as I have had my first baby, taken parental leave and navigated the highs and the lows of motherhood. (More on this below!)

In retrospect, it’s always better to have said something sooner, but ITG will be here for the long haul! We are sorry that we left you in the dark. We want to bring you back.

You want to hear a good story?

I gave birth to a little girl earlier this year. After a few blurry days, my doctor had me sit down and take my blood pressure. After that, everything happened in a flash. I was back at the hospital, hooked up to monitors, heart machines, and IVs. My ob/gyn was frank and told me that I couldn’t leave because my blood pressure was too high. Your organs were showing signs of damage. If you leave, you will have a stroke.

Pre-eclampsia postpartum is a dangerous and confusing pregnancy complication. Its main action is to cause uncontrollable blood pressure. The nurses would rush in and out of my hospital room with the same mantra as I laid in bed for days: relax. I watched a ton of TV, pumped breastmilk so that I could go home with plenty of it, and scrolled all the way down TikTok. I thought about how I was uninspired by beauty when I only had time to take care of myself and the mandate to “just do it.” I was looking for the magic of beauty–something that would make me feel good.

When I returned to my home country, I brought that feeling back with me. My maternity leave was a mix of raising a child and navigating a whole new health landscape. Beauty Internet was a great way to relax and take it easy. Since I was on leave I didn’t think much about my job, which is what you should do not, but I did consider beauty and the evolution of our perceptions of beauty.

ITG was evolving, and I knew it when I returned. In the past decade, ITG has evolved so much. We are all much better informed about skincare and we can put on a good face. We’re all a lot more informed about what works and doesn’t, how we express ourself, the beauty stakeholders that speak to us and the implications of industry as a whole. We don’t just read anymore about beauty, but we see it in action on touchpoints across the Internet.

ITG will be heading in this direction over the next couple of weeks. We are expanding our reach and extending the beauty coverage we offer. We are introducing new franchises, and we’re also introducing some new faces. We are telling stories to the hilt. We’ve been working hard for a while, so please excuse our dust. A new ITG is getting baked.

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